Sri Yugal Kishore ~*~

Sri Yugal Kishore ~*~
"Two Bodies One Pran"

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Time with Baba Sripadji discribed by George Harrison

                          Beatle George Harrison's tribute to Baba Sripad Maharajji
                              From his book entitled ' Me Mine ':

"India and in particular my experiences in Brindaban (Vrindavan) inspired me to write 'It Is He'.We went to Brindaban where Krishna lived 4,000 years ago. It is one of the holiest cities in India - the whole town is Krishna conscious - everyone, everywhere was chanting 'Hare Krishna' and various permutations on that.It was my most fantastic experience; going to that place was great; Ravi Shankar had arranged somehow that we were to meet Sripad (His Holiness) Maharaj, an ascetic, who spoke some English and who was going to show us around.We arrived there as it was becoming dusk and somebody ran off to try and find him. It's all so ancient, all these little streets and old temples. A girl came back and said 'come with us' and we went down to where the river Jamuna used to flow, but now it's changed its course so it's a dry bed. It was an old Goswami (a spiritual master; one who is in full control of his mind ands senses - Swami means 'teacher' and Go means 'the mind and the senses')'s house we went to. We sat there and had tea and then left after dark.We went off with this man and I didn't know who he was, and we were walking and the more we walked, the more I thought 'God this guy is incredible', everybody was coming up to him, all the time, and touching his feet. He looked like an old beggar; real matted long hair and he wore an old sack robe and had bare feet and all these Swamis with shaved heads and saffron robes were coming and bowing to him and touching his feet.He took us round to every temple in Brindaban and he was known in all of them. I was a stiff Westerner when we started off, but there was a moment when the atmosphere of the place got to me, melting all the bullshit away. I thought about this man a great deal as it became a fantastic, blissful experience for me.Later, they gave us some rooms and we slept for just a few hours until he came and got us at 4 am to go for the morning Puja (literally means an offering. It can also mean a temple service as it does here) in the temple. We'd probably only slept for 3 hours but it was the deepest sleep I ever had in my life and all through the sleep I could hear choirs singing. I still don't know to this day - I don't think it was temples I could hear - I think it was something else - all through the sleep I was hearing huge heavenly choirs - it was a fantastic experience.The next day we went to the garden called Sevakunj famous for Krishna's 'Lila'. Lila is a pastime, a transcendental activity. (maybe you've seen the pictures of all the Gopis (cowherd girl), the girls, and there's a big ring of them and they've all got a Krishna each and are dancing in a circle) Krishna always played there; this was the place where he would hang out and dance.They close this park at sunset until sunrise and nobody's allowed in there at night. The only people who have been in during that time, it has been said, have gone mad or have been found dead. All the birds and animals leave as soon as it's sunset.Inside there is a temple with a big brass bed on the altar, and as each of the different temples depicts a different aspect of Krishna, at this one (because he's been up all night dancing with the Gopis and doesn't get up early), they don't open till about 10am for morning Puja. All the trees, which are so ancient, bow down and the branches touch the ground. Just to walk in that place is incredible.That morning when we came back from the temple at about 5am, it was still dark, and we sat in a room. Sripad started singing a Bhajan ( a devotional song) to which we all sang the answering part, repeating it over and over. I got blissed out with my eyes shut, and didn't want it to stop, even when I felt I was going to stop, we would keep it going on. In the end when it eventually stopped, the sun was so high; it must have been 9 or 10 in the morning - the time had flown by - fantastic.And so he said to me 'why don't you make that into a song? 'So what I did was take that old chant 'Jai Krishna, Jai Krishna, Krishna, Jai Krishna, Jai Sri Krishna, Jai Radhe, Jai Radhe, Radhe, Jai Radhe, Jai Sri Radhe... and then wrote the English words in between the verses.
          'It Is He' was for Sripad Maharaj, a wonderful, humble, Holy man."

Sri Radha ~ Kishangarh School

                                     The Famous 18th cent. Kishangarh Radha

Sri Hari with Sri Radha & the Gopis. Kishangarh school ~ exquisite !!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

On the Borders of a Dreaming Wilderness

"One whom I sought I found in distant lands,
I have obeyed my heart, I have carried out thy will
On the borders of a dreaming wilderness."

                                               'Savitri'    Sri Aurobindo

    In Shimla at Erwin Lodge, Santjeo daily read out loud with me
the book Savitri by Sri Aurobindo. It was actually the only book
in English we ever read together. Magnificent! It is one of the few
great works ever written in English by a fully realised soul.
It's depth is truly astonishing particularly when read by a saint
of Santji's caliber! There were suspended moments when we
became transfixed in another consciousness so completely
as to simply forget to breathe, in a space less timelessness bliss.
It is still a masterpiece I highly recommend, that has immense,
depth and spiritual power to inspire divine Love and Light.

"Armored with love and faith and sacred joy,
A traveler to the Eternal's house
Once let unwounded pass a mortal life."

Awe! How splendidly He moves the spirit
and sends it soaring into a tranquil star filled infinity!
So I continued in lost delight...

                                    ¸. *ღ☆¸.•°*♥       

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Pujya Sri Jagjivan Bapuji's One Hundreth Birthday

Bapuji's Legacy of Songs, Cures, Blessings and amazing Presence
was celebrated by devotees, sadhus, and his village of Simmer in
Saurashtra on his one hundreth birthday, November 30, 2011,
I was told by Swami Jnananandaji of this joyful event.

 Beloved Bapuji, You are a Treasure to the soul!
To have had your company, and witnessed your ways,
delightful upliftment moment to moment,
and to have the blessing of this name Radheshwari,
from your deep and peerless inspiration,
I am forever indebted beyond words.  .¸¸.•*`*•.✽

Monday, November 28, 2011


      When the manifestation of the sacred land of Vraj is established
in one's physical being, Vrindavan centralizes itself in the body
as a lotus having innumerable petals, each representing a different
mood of the Lila of the Supreme Lord and his Beloved.  This
Vrindavan exists in the heart.  However, this heart is distinct from
the physical heart, being the universal heart of the microcosm
of this world and within it, and of the macrocosm and outside it.
This is the heart which contains all Grace, all Glory, and all Joy.
And from this heart everything has its existence in the phenomenal,
mundane world.  Every joy one may see, or feel, perceive, or realize
is the very semblance and glance from within the heart.  It is there,
where the spell of Reality wherein the Love and Ecstasy of God 
is established, that the Transcendental Sport of Sri Vrindavan ever

      When one is treading the path towards the existence of Vrindavan,
as the consciousness of love, suddenly one realizes the presence
of Sri Yamuna flowing nearby. Yamuna signifies the existing manifestation
of Radha and Krishna's splendour as the liquid flow which washes
all deeds, all sins, and even all merits, clean as the very purity of the
Beloved's heart.  For this reason, Srimad Bhagvat relates  how the
Gopies made the vow of bathing daily in the Yamuna in the cold
Winter month of Kartika.  Becoming purified by the efforts of their
penance, their clothes were stolen bu their Beloved Lord.  This action
is metaphorically the stealing of their body-consciousness by which
they became eligible to participate in his Maharas, the Divine Dance,
in which each Gopi found her partner in Lord Krishna.


       At the foundation of Sri Vrindavan exists Radha Bhav
within whose silent mutation all hearts, all beings, and all
the universe discover the Divine Realization of the Love
Supreme of Sri Krishna and the Grace Supreme of Sri Radha.
It is within the consciousness of Radha Bhav that the cycle
of thought and deed through its creation, preservation, and
destruction culminates in the innocent, inactive, yet ever
creative Love of Radha-Krishna.  This is the Glory
consummated in the majestic manifestation of Barsana,
to be discovered in the heart as the Love-enlightened
Grace of Sri Radha.

                                              Sri Baba Sripadji


Sunday, November 27, 2011


        The area of eighty-four 'kos' (168 miles) of Vraj, which has been
discovered by realized saints in their visions, contains the holy forest
in which the lakes and trees and all of the vegetable kingdom, and the
cows and the birds and all of the animal kingdom, are manifestations
of the enchanting sport of the Lord.  Here Krishna, as a cowherd,
grazed his cattle to the sweet accompaniment of his flute while wandering
through the luxurious landscapes of Vraj.  In this area which signifies
the blissful sports of Radha-Krishna, he himself plays with his glorious
realization to fulfill his divine ecstasy.  And thus, the area of Vraj is
surcharged with his divinity.  To those saints who in their time realized
this divine glory, all which was previously hidden was revealed.

      The physical realm of Vraj has its supernatural counterpart which
is established in the heart and body, and in one's entire being, when
one realizes all the sweet moods of the lovely pass times which are
played, even now, by the Supreme Krishna and the Supreme Radha.


                                                                  Baba Sripadji

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


                               Sri Radha Vrishabhanu-Nandini

  In this blessed abode of Radha, the nature created here by Brahma
is unlike the nature of his other gross creations for, in Barsana, the creation
exists by Radha's sweet desire, by her realization.  According to scriptures, 
Sri Radhaby her grace, to fulfill the joy of the Supreme, manifested herself as 
  Vrishabhanu Nandani in the village of Barsana, thereby blessing the family 
  of her father Vrisha bhanu and her mother Kirti.

 The glory of Radha which exists in the symbolic significance 
 of this village and in her remembrance by its residents is a very rare 
 phenomenon.  Each person of the village of Barsana has some special
 feeling towards Radha which is so inborn, so strong and so spontaneous
in its understanding of hidden spiritual mysteries, that those who are not
spiritually aware are unable to grasp the nature of this special insight.  
While small children may realize themselves as her sister, and young
boys may realize themselves as her brother, older women realize 
themselves as her mother, while men realize themselves as her father.  
These sentiments have no relation with their physical families, but exists
and depend entirely on Radha's Grace which has so drenched her 
village of Barsana.


                                                                 Baba Sripadji


Thursday, November 17, 2011


        When love is completely directed towards the Supreme Being
as Krishna, that love conceals itself in the heart of the Gopi.  Thus,
the mystery of the Unknown is hidden in the hearts of the Gopies
and is enlightened in the maturity of realization of the illumination
of love, when each movement of thought and breath has become
Krishna.  In this way, the Gopies have realized Krishna, thereby
dispelling the mystery of the Unknown.

       Beyond the love of the Gopies and Krishna exists the manifestation
of  Sri Radha.  This love is the immovable existence wherein occurs
the silent mutation of love between the lover and the beloved.  It may
be likened to the river that flows between two banks;  the banks can
never meet because they exist within the limitations of their nature,
but the river is in continual contact with both, right from its source to
its culmination.  Existing within their respective dimensions of time
and space are the Atma and the Paramatma, the Supreme Spirit;
the two banks of the river of devotion.  The flow of Grace of this river
of devotion unites, through its touch, the dormant state of the individual
existence with the enlightened state of the Supreme.  Between every
thought and breath of each being, and between the immovable
consciousness of the earth and the consciousness of the entire creation,
and between the microcosm and the macrocosm, Grace flows.

       Within this concept, the Gopi signifies the incessant and creative
urge of 'sadhna' towards the supreme, while Krishna signifies the
treasury of all blissful propensities.  In their relation to each other,
each is essential to the existence of the other.  As the Gopi exists
in the thought of Krishna, so Krishna exists in the thought of the Gopi.
Therefore, when the longing in one's heart for realizing the Supreme
is established, that Supreme also realizes the longing of his burning
awareness in the heart.  In the silent mutation of Radha Bhav,
the individual spirit exists in relation to the Supreme, from the very
commencement of  'sadhna' for the realization of each other to its
fulfillment.  When the individual spirit realizes its union with the
Supreme where the Supreme is Krishna, this realization is Radha Bhav. 
Radha is the personification of love towards Krishna in the mood
of the Gopi and, as the joy-potency of the Supreme, she is the adored
deity of those who crave only for the love of the beloved Radha-krishna.  
It is only by the ambrosial sweetness and beauty of the love of Radha
that Krishna is forever attained. In Her Graceful Existence, She embodies
Maha Bhav.

                                                                     « ҉ »  श्री   « ҉ »                
                                                                     Baba Sripadji

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Swamiji called!

                                               Swami Jnanananda Giri in Musoorie

      Swamiji called yesterday, I was sitting mid-day in the park!
There couldn't be a greater joy! He is blissfully well, as usual, and in
high spirits, as usual !!  Presently he asked if I was going to America
soon, I said I was going in Dec. for a month. That they called and
asked again, even arranged the ticket!! He laughed and asked , 'Why
doesn't America come to you?' I said,' They did come in Febuary,
and we all went to Banaras together. There I climbed the steps up
to the 'Yogiraj Tailang Swami Math'.
  Then Swamiji told me that Tailang Swami had said, "He who is a
real 'Yogi' is always aware of his 'breath', and the 'breath' of others!"
That includes everyone, no matter how far away they may be, even
if they are animals, trees, plants or stones! The Yogi is able to cure
all ailments. He can know all thoughts. Connected, he becomes
Limitless and Full!
     Swamiji said, "Awareness of the breath, constant awareness, is
very difficult.  No, actually, it is very easy. But nobody wants to do it! 
All are deluded by what they see and feel about this world, but, He is
free who can see through it, to its Source, the Way of Divine Light."

                                                   *ღ☆¸.•°* Hari AUM! *ღ☆¸.•°*

Thursday, November 10, 2011

PREM-AHLADINI SRI RADHA Personification of Mahabhav

                                                                    « ҉ »  श्री   « ҉ » 

      The ancient knowledge of the Vedas is distilled in the wisdom of the
Upanishads. In these philosophical treaties, the nature of the universe,
the human soul, and the relation to each other has been probed. In the
search for answers to questions about the nature of the universe they
developed the idea of Brahman, whose existence was realized through
enquiry, austerity, and samadhi.

      Brahman, the universal spirit, cannot be precisely defined, and neither
can Atman, the individual spirit. The Upanishads describe the spirit only
in general terms as the Divine Essence "hidden in all beings, all-pervading,
eternal..." It exist, but it cannot be captured ; life proceeds from it, yet it 
has no tangible reality. These themes conceived by sages in the Upanshads
were, however, in time expanded. The essential principals laid in these 
works were developed by seers of extraordinary insight into six schools 
of philosophy: Sankhya, Vaisheshik, Nyay, Yog, Poorva-Meemansa, and
Uttar-Meemansa. Religious thought became a multifarous and elusive 

      From this vast tradition, it took one of no lesser stature then Maharishi
Veda Vyas, who had masterly comprehended the Vedas, the six systems of
philosophy, the Smriti, and all the other existing philosophical scriptures
known to the memory of mankind, to make his knowledge comprehensible
to all. And since nothing then ever needed to be written down, all teachings
were taught by the graceful speech of the Rishis alone. Vyas conceived the
Mahabharat as a vehicle for expounding such lofty themes as Sri Krishna,
an Avatar of Vishnu; dharma; varnashram; valour; love and grief. Despite
its majestic conception, Veda Vyas remained unsatisfied with his efforts,
and only at the intervention of Devrishi Narad was the cause of his
unfulfilment disclosed that the Supreme Lord was not yet satisfied that his
glory had been sufficiently revealed. By Sri Narad's inspiration, Vyas then
turned his efforts from feeding crows the carrion of learning, to extracting
nectar, in the form of stories relating to the Divine Pastimes of Sri Krishna,
for the swans of the Mansarovar Lake to sip.

      Taking Sri Ganapati, the remover of obstacles, as his scribe,Veda Vyas
unfolded the mystery of the manifestation of Brahman through the
incarnations of Vishnu.  In Srimad Bhagavat is found the description of
these incarnations of the Lord : Sanatkumar, Sanandan, Sanatan and
Sanak ; Varah, the Divine Boar ; Devrishi Narad ; Nara-Narayan ; Swami
Kapil ; Dattatrey ; Yagya ; Rsabhdev ; King Prithu ; Matsya, the Divine
Fish ; Kachhap, the Divine Tortoise ; Dhanvantri, the Celestial Physician ;
Mohini, the Enchantress of the demons ; Narsinha, the Man-Lion ; Vamana,
the Divine Dwarf ; Parashurama ; Rama, Bharata, Lakshman, and
Shatrughna ; Vyas ; Krishna and Balaram ; Buddha ; and Kalki, whom is
yet to come.

       While each Avatar was worshiped as the Lord, still, in his fullness, he
was yet in process, finally reaching the descent of Bhagwan Rama, whom is
the Supreme Person in complete form. His descent was to establish
righteousness, (dharma) and to dispel unrighteousness (adharma) ; to
protect the good (sat) and to destroy the evil (asat). Rama is known as
Maryada-Purushottam, whom has lived according to all correct rules and
decorum. But even this incarnation, where the prevailing spirit behind the
universe has embodied Himself to assist man in his course through life,
cannot fulfill declaration of the Upanishads that the Absolute Brahman is
'Raso Vai Sah'. God, remaining one with creation is not impassive ; he
is a personal God who loves man and desires love in return. To demonstrate
this aspect of the nature of the Supreme Being, Sri Krishna manifested
himself, and as Lila-Purushottam performs his pastimes before the eyes of
the world. It is this subject which has been so gracefully expounded by Vyas
in the tenth Skandh of the Srimad Bhagavat, which forms the heart of the

      However, philosophic speculation cannot end here, for the question
arises about the nature of the spiritual bliss the realized soul experiences in
merging the trinity in the monad Brahman, whom is said to contain Truth,
Consciousness and Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). Brahman has become
personified as Krishna who is defined thus in the Bhagvat : 'Krishnastu
Bhagvan Swayam', (the Absolute of the Absolute), and the static 'anand'
enfolded in the nature of Brahman has become personified as Krishna's
Ahladini Shakti, his blissful potency, who is the source of all joy to the
Supreme Lord. Who can dare to define that delightful beauty who charms
Shyam Sundar and brings him to his knees begging even a glance from her
fascinating eyes? She is the Divine Aspect of his divinity, the Beloved of his
Love, the possessor of that joy which fulfills his desire for joy - Sri Radha.


      The most secret, the most auspicious, and the most divine spiritual
awareness of Radha is projected in the physical manifestation of her village
of Barsana. Here, upon the majestic hill in which Brahma has embodied
himself, stands the abode of Sri Radha, who is the ecstasy and inner
blessedness of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna.

       Contained in this mystical image lies the revelation of Radha Bhav.
Within the all-pervading, all-powerful source of Brahma arises the three-
sided manifestation of the cosmos, with Brahma personifying its creative
principal; Vishnu, its maintaining principal; and Shiva, its distructive
principal. By the movement of the creative principal in thought and its
culmination in action, the universal cycle of creation, preservation, and
destruction veils the Supreme from man and holds him within the bondage
of this movement of the world. When he comes to the discovery of that
which has to be dispelled in thought or in action, man lays the foundation
of 'sadhana' which terminates the thought-creation underlying action
carried over from previous actions of the life into the present. Thus, at
last, the full cycle of cause and effect is destroyed and he crosses the
threshold of the effortless 'sadhana' of love (prem). In order to attain this
state based on the establishment of grace, he has to disconnect himself
from the creation of Brahma, diverting all efforts with whatever means
are available and with fervent love to the path of 'sadhana'. Those who
have already traveled this path of the Divine, enlighten the way; until all
the accumulation of past thoughts and actions are effaced, the heart
becomes like a transparent , heavenly-clear crystal, unimaginable in its
purity. From this point, the 'sadhana' of complete unconditional surrender
to the feet of the Lord Supreme begins. Thus, the hill of Barsana contains
the significance of the illumination of Love to the Love-personification
of  Sri Radha, the Joy- potency of the Supreme, and the creation of love
leading to the destruction of all desires.

      When this love is created in the heart, or in the thoughts, the source
of all inspiration, which was hidden through countless lives in the journey
towards the wondrous Supreme, is disclosed to the person who is
completely dedicated by heart, thought and action, who has given himself
up to the feet of the Supreme from within and without. The most sublime
sentiments of 'bhakti' spontaneously arise in him who walks on this path,
manifesting in him the highest aspects of devotion. The holy scriptures 
have described these sentiments which climax the potency of mood and
are the very source of inspiration when they occur by their own Grace.

      These sentiments, Bhav, may appear in such ways: by chanting the
sweet names of the Lord in 'sankirtan' the presence of the Divine Glory
is experienced in such a way that the flow of love, which springs from
the heart, comes as an out pour of tears; the devotee cannot speak a
word about worldly relations and the throat is choked; the whole body
is thrilled in ecstatic joy; the body-consciousness may vanish completely;
the enchanting glory of the Lila of Radha-Krishna is fully revealed in the
heart; all the Divinity of their transcendental sport is revealed as ever-new;
every moment is completely recognised in Their Grace; and finally the
epitome of all these various sentiments is when the knowledge of what
They wish to play in Lila sport is spontaneously realized in the heart.

                                                                 « ҉ »  श्री   « ҉ »

                                                              Baba Sripadji

Saturday, October 29, 2011

✿ « ҉ »•*✿*.• ○°★ The Letter Home!

                                                             Simla, H.P., India
                                                                May 3,1970                                                                    

   'O Mother! Know this to be true of the world now,

that there is a man of God here, his age is infinite,

though they say 90! Ah! But so sharp witted!!

He answers my thought waves, in Truth.

There is a spiritual feeling as if floating in joy

to be in his presence' . . .'the spirit of joy was so high

everyone felt it. Great white Santji gave me a big hug,

slapped my cheek, and said surely I was an angel!'...

   'Don't worry or even think about the visa now,                         

the saints are helping me.

                                                Yours with Love.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

ღ Bhava of Govinda das ۩۞۩ڰۣღ

 Oh, Madhava! How shall I tell you of my terror?

I could not describe my coming here

      if I had a million tongues!

When I left my room and saw the darkness, I trembled:
 I could not see the path,

     there were snakes that writhed around my ankles!

I was alone a woman; the night was so dark,
    the forest so dense and gloomy,

       and I had so far to go!

The rain was pouring down ~

     which path should I take?

My feet were muddy and burning

     where thorns had scratched them.

But, I had the hope of seeing you,

     none of it mattered!

     ...and now my terror seems far away.

When the sound of your flute reaches my ears,

   it compels me to leave my home, my friends.

It draws me into the dark towards you.

I no longer count the pain of coming here!


                              ... says Govinda das.


Monday, October 03, 2011

Bhava of Vidyapati ๑۩۞۩๑இڰۣღ

My friend, I cannot answer when you ask me

   to explain what has befallen me.

Love is transformed, renewed, each moment.

He has dwelt in my eyes all the days of my life,

  yet I am not sated with seeing.

My ears have heard his sweet voice in eternity,

  and yet it is always new to them.

How many honeyed nights have I passed with him

  in love's bliss, yet my body wonders at his.

Through all the ages he has yet clasped to my breast,

  yet my desire never abates.

I have seen subtle people sunk in passion,

  but none came so close to the heart of the fire.

Who shall be found to cool your heart? says Vidyapati!



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sri Krishna from Swamiji

The Supreme .¸¸.•*`*•.✽

Innermost Lord

who is full of kindness,

calls you lovingly to awaken

   and to come to Him!


Look deep within

      into your heart

         where you will see

something very beautiful

dancing blissfully,

                        and there do listen to the

            Eternal Song of Divine Love!


           With all my Love

                    and best wishes to you.


              Mussoorie                   10-9-71

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pujya Sri Jagjivan Bapuji ~Yogi~Guru~

      The amazing Yogi Guru Jagjivan Bapuji was met in 1971 at Umbergaon,
Gujrat just a walk away through the open fields from the sandy beach by the
blue Arabian Sea.There we would sometimes walk with Swami Jnanananda
Giri carrying Balyogi Mukunda on his shoulders. On many a day after bathing
we would sit on the sand and meditate on the wonder of the colorful sunset
as it seemed to Mukunda to disappear into the Sea!
    Many times we would walk through those fields with Bapuji, Swamiji, and
Chandrika with bags in hand to gather the wild herbs for Bapuji's amazing
medicines, about which he said the most poison made the best remedies!
    Daily visitors came to this out of the way place on the bus from the train
station to have his Darshan and Satsang, and some came to meet Bapuji and
be cured! Some thought he was just a doctor! And many came to him only
after foreign doctors could give them no hope of a cure! I had no idea of
this when I came! Swamiji had told me only about Bapuji's spiritual state,
his long hours of Samadhi and of the wonderful bhajans (songs) he would
write and sing afterwards. And we would all copy down the new songs and
learn to sing them in the wonderful morning sessions of intensely beautiful
kirtana.: "Hey Prabhu,Tara Prema ma Rakh!","Hey Prabhu, Tara Ananta
Rup!" and "Dekhe che Jiva Vinashi Bhava!" were the opening songs, and
then we would sing, "Hridaya Mandirama Vas Prabhuno" and "Roam Roam
Prabhuji Sukha kari!" And as the beat and excitement intensified we would
sing with Bapuji more of his Bhajins and in evenings many times the dancing
would began!
     The one great event we would always stay on up to Febuary to attend was
Maha Shiva Ratri, The Great Night of Shiva! At this time groups of devotees
from far off places and Mahatmas would start arriving a day in advance.
Bapuji would be in this unbelievable mood and the joyful singing would start
with many musicians playing drums, Shiva's 'Damaru', cymbals, harmonium,
and wonderful singers would inspire the dancing of the famous 'Ras Garbha'.
And though the celebration went on all through the night no one tired, least of
all Bapuji, who sang and danced into a state of exhilarating samadhi to the
delight of the devotees and the fervor heightened to a peak! The rising of the
Sun brought the climax of the festival of the Great Night of Shiva!

                      "Om Namah Shivaya! Shivaya Namah Om!"

Friday, September 09, 2011

Sri Ma Anandamayi .¸¸.•*`*• ☆

                                         .¸¸.•*`*• ☆ Jai Jai Ma ! .¸¸.•*`*• ☆

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Sri Sri Anandamayi Ma .¸¸.•*`*• ☆

       Sri Sri Anandamayi Ma at the Durga Puja celebration on the Dehradun Ashram grounds the day of my first meeting with her in Oct. 1972. Early that day Swami Jnananandaji and I left Barlow Ganj to attend the evening puja at the ashram. We arrived at the home of a wonderful devotee of Ma's, Smt. Pushpa  Bhadwar. Swamiji had told me that she was an 'anterang bhakta' of Ma's and would do her very personal 'seva', like the combing of her long hair etc. There was mutual delight at our meeting and the morning passed in Sat-sang and kirtana with Swamiji. All were to rest just after lunch and Pushpaji wanted me to stay in her puja room, which was a pure delight for me, there with her Lord Krishna and many photos of her Guru Maji. Here the most unexpected thing happened after sometime I suddenly felt wonderfully refreshed and energized. There standing in front of me was the beautiful Mother Anandamayi, radiant! Dressed all in white she shown like a rising moon and was smiling down at me. We exchanged many things in this silent meeting, in a language beyond words. Whether my eyes were open or closed it made no difference to the amazing sight of her and I was in total rapture! When we three met for tea at 4 pm, Swamiji and Pushpaji were elated to hear of the vision of Ma!
      When we arrived at the Ashram, Kirtana was already going on in the lovely huge tent on the lawn there. And when we went inside I was surprised that it was already half full of devotees singing in expectation of the  coming of Anandamayi Ma. But the real surprise as we followed pushpaji was that instead of siting down there, she said, "Come!" and lead us up the isle, between everyone and right up to the empty places reserved in the very front row! The devotees faces beamed with even greater joy and the mood of the chanting of God's praises greatly increased! It was all so exhilarating , the Bengali musicians and all the devotees joining in the ecstatic singing! I sat down between Swamiji and Pushpaji and joined the singing. Soon the excitement highly increased again as Maji herself made her graceful entrance. The amazing part is that she came and sat on the decorated wooden bed exactly in front of me, so close that I could have reached over and touched her! She looked down and right into my eyes, right into my heart and soul with her blissful smile. It was the same wonderful smile I had seen earlier that day! She nodded to me with a sweet sort of recognition. I was the whole time outside myself, smiling through my tears in perfect rapture. Ma was delighted with it all! Eventually she she went over onto the platform and sat in a special place prepared for her where her Puja and Arti were to be done as the Devi! (This is the photo here above).
      After this as the singing continued she suddenly left the stage. Soon after that Pushpaji also went out to see her. She returned later and quietly told us to come out now with her to meet Ma, because she is leaving. It was dark and we stood on the lawn outside the house with a few others, and the car waiting for Ma. She finally came down the stairs and stood before us. Maji was pleased to see Swamiji, whom she knew from his days in Calcutta way back. And he brought me forward to introduce me, it was so very wonderful, she smiled so sweetly remembering Santji in Chandigarh, I glanced at Swamiji and got a sign confirming my desire to touch Ma's I did through my tears of joy. The ladies around her gasped and she looked at them slightly annoyed and said for someone to bring out prasad from the house. They looked puzled and she said to bring out the two big apples from the dining table! When she had the apples she gave them both to me and tapped her fingers on my head! This was the beginning of a beautiful unending connection with the amazing blissful Mother, Sri Anandamayi Ma.

                                                            ★•.¸¸.•*`*• ☆           

                                           ★•.¸¸.•*`*• ☆ JAI MA! ☆ .¸¸.•*`*•.✽

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Sant Gulab Singhji and Swami Jnanananda Giri

 Swami Jnanananda Giri & Sant Gulab Singhji together at Chandigarh in 1971

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Swami Jnanananda Giri's latest Photo ~Om!~

                                                                            My latest photo of Swamiji,
taken a few months ago. Om!

My latest talk with him, just yesterday! Om!

 He said, "Write your memoirs!" Om!

∈...`••.¸.•´ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ—

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goswami Purushottam Lalji Maharaj Krishna Janamashtami Mahotsava ~*~ Vrindavan 1974


 Sri Krishna Janamashtami Mahotsava at Jai Singh Ghera in Sri Vrindavan
with ecstatic Goswami Sri Purushottam Lalji Maharaj and at the Krishna
Abhishake in Sri Radha Raman Mandir, Sri Vrindavan. ~  1974
                     ~ Sri Sri Radha Raman Lalji ki Jai!!~

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Meeting 'Bal Yogi' Sripadji

      While in Swamiji's
small enchanting kutia
we heard the loud call
of OM coming from the
main house somewhere
in the forest a little lower
down the Mountain of
'Whitefield Hall'. It was
a call for Swamiji to the
phone there, just after
my first few days there
in Balu Ganj (Mussouri).
Again a guest, I was
having the most amazing
experiences every
moment observing and
listening to dear Swamiji.
For days he told stories
of 'Bal Yogi' Sripadji
of Sri Vrindavan.
 I was totally charmed by
the thought of Sri Krishna, Sri Radha and Sripadji! When Swamiji heard
the call he said, "It must be Sripadji, he knows whenever I'm thinking and
talking about him!" We went down to the phone in the main house, and yes!
It was Swamiji's Bal Yogiji. After they spoke, Swamiji said to him,"someone
wants to talk with you." And he gave me the phone. I said, "Om!" and
Sripadji said in a beautiful gentle voice, "Sri Radha, Sri Radha!" To my
surprise it had the most thrilling effect on me, ever!  I sort of lost myself
in a strange ecstasy forgetting to even speak!
      He repeated slowly and softly, "Sri Radha, Sri Radha!"
And finally I said, "I want to see you."  He said, " मैं ओंगा !"   
.¸¸.•*`*•.✽I will come!   .¸¸.•*`*•.✽             
                                                                             ***to be cont'd... 

Monday, August 01, 2011

With Sant Gulab Singhjio and Swami Jnanananda Giri in old photos with blessings!.¸¸.•*`*•.✽

This is the only photo I have of me with both Sant Gulab Singhjio
and Swami Jnanananda Giri standing at my back, as they say!   (Saproon, H.P.)

          And this is a most precious picture of Santji and I back in our lovely
days together, 1976 in Punjab.  Once when he had said,' Ask me for anything
you want!' I said,'Krishna!' To my surprise he said, 'Oh, He is already yours.
Ask me for something else!' .¸¸.•*`*•.✽
    Then tears came in my eyes when I thought of how my visa was finishing
soon, and that I may have to leave India, but I said nothing. As if he heard my
thoughts he said, 'Don't worry about your papers, these boundaries between
countries are all man-made. God has no boundaries! You may go wherever
you like, whenever you like!' He patted my head and slapped my cheek.
And that was it!!
  I didn't realize it then, but by His Grace, all that he said now seems to be
so true. Who can say when and what blessings will come from a saint!!

                                                   .¸¸.•*`*•.✽Hari Om!.¸¸.•*`*•.✽

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ॐ۞-ڰۣღSant Gulab Singh jiڰۣღ۞ॐ

                                     ~*~ Beloved Pita Ji ~*~ 1881~1985

                    A Mystic and a saint of such a caliber one can hardly 
          hope to ever meet, yet it was just this rare and perfect a
          Realized Master I had been looking for in India for four 
          months before finding him. To my utter delight the 
          moment he saw me come into the room he opened up his 
          arms and said, 'You have come! Come! Come!'  And I ran 
          into the most wonderful embrace of my life!  It was like 
          diving into an ocean of ecstatic bliss! And when I looked
          into that smile I felt my search was over at last and I was
          launched into another space immediately!  That Pure 
          Joy baffles the mind at once, and the spark from his 
          flaming heart caught mine and burned away all doubt,
          questions, confusion, pain, and superfluous thoughts 
          whatever. In his presence there could only be Pure Light 
          and pure Love!
                   Where he really existed one can only aspire to 
         imagine!! Though outwardly he lived the simplest life 
         style, it is this that is a great part of his beauty and 
         perfection. There was no particular house he owned yet 
         every house he visited seemed to be his! A suitcase of 
         clothes etc.  was always there ready to go at a moments 
         notice! This  simple style was contagious and I also lived
         like this in India for 15 years. But I never found yet such
         a natural excellence as his. He was to be seen and heard 
         every morning by devotees giving a talk of talks! We 
         relished mostly sitting with him in the afternoons when
         he would read informally and share with us from the 
         original  Persian of 'Divane Hafiz', 'Masnavi', the works 
         of Sheikh Attar, or Aurobindo's 'Savitri' much of it he 
         knew by heart, his was a photographic memory.  
         And then daily there were the long, fascinating evening  
         walks in the Rose garden, by the Lake, or in the local 
         forest, wherever we were it was intoxicating without wine! 


               A Soul of Pure  Bliss! In all my time with him I never 
        saw him angry or upset, but the opposite! Rather he gave 
        blessings to everyone who came to him. He is still an 
        ocean of Light! Even now I hear his after dinner stories 
        and remember all our laughter, the belly aching cheer he 
        would inspire!  Wherever he went became a meeting 
        place of  mystics, sadhus, saints and devotees! There was 
        singing, dancing, and Satsang wither in Shimla, Bombay,
        Lucknow, or New Delhi. He seemed to know how to speak
        every language, most of all he knew the language of the 
        Heart, and would whisk us away in a moment to places 
        beyond words!  Pita Ji is truly a Mystic Saint that 
        never leaves us for a moment, but is all the closer now 
        that there is no body between us!!

                                     ॐ -ڰۣღڰۣღॐ -ڰۣღڰۣღ ॐ     

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shri Om Babaji இڿڰۣ-ڰۣღ۞ॐ

ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ๑۩۞۩๑இڿڰۣ-ڰۣღ  SHRI OM BABA JI  இڿڰۣ-ڰۣღ ๑۩۞۩๑ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ
        This is Beloved Om Babaji, 1849-1959. He stayed during the day in
    a small room several floors up with a big 'OM' written on the outside, in
    the midst of the busiest wholesale market in New Delhi, on Nai Sarak,
    Chandni Chowk. This was when Santji met him, always in this same
    simplest of attires, with nothing else in the room but a long planks of
    wood, 2 bricks and a brick for a pillow. On the side he always had a
    warm fireplace as the Rishis of old.  He would prepare tea for his visitors
    and sometimes give the ashes of it to someone as a gift, in answer to a
    request, I was told several times.
         Everyone said he never ate meals nor wore clothes except one man,
    who once saw him in the local tea shop wearing several shirts and people
    lined up to put more shirts on him!!
         Admiral Surgeon Dr. Melhotra told me that after giving him a fine
    shawl one winter and visiting him a few days later the room would again
    be empty and Babaji would be smiling! There is a long list of the amazing
    and unique stories I have heard from those who knew him, specially from
    Santji himself.
         The most beautiful thing is that he used to leave his room every evening
    and walk to the banks of the Yamuna River where he would sit in Samadhi
    all night. Often when Santji would meet him he would say, 'Last night I met
    Sanvalashah ( Sri Krishna)!
      He would speak in his own Urdu Poetry :

                           'Yeh Nur Uska. Yeh Zahoor Uska.
                            Gar Tu Na Deke, To Kazur Kiska?!'

                'This Light is His! (pointing to his chest)
                   This Scene is His! (pointing outward)
                 If you can't see this,
                   Then who's fault this is?!'

          Santji  spoke of Om Baba's sweet gentle nature and of his powerful
    words! Their friendship was proverbial as is with great mystics. They
    often sent messages to each other. Then a message was sent to Santji
    from Om Babaji,who said he was waiting for Santji, and that he should
    come soon to meet him because he was going on 'Yatra'. At that meeting
    many loving and precious words were exchanged, they embraced at
    departing and Santji started down the long stairways. By the time he
    reached the street below, someone called out from Babaji's window
    that the Soul had left the body!!   

                                   இڿڰۣ-ڰۣღ  ๑۩۞۩๑ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ