Sri Yugal Kishore ~*~

Sri Yugal Kishore ~*~
"Two Bodies One Pran"

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Letters From Swami Jnanananda Giri


  "Sri Radhey  Radha~Aradhika" 

Beloved Lover Divine!
    Each line of your dear message bespeaks of the great inspiration ~ 
How His Presence encircles and overwhelms your heart!
    What can I offer to you that would match the poem of your soul?
Awe!  Those golden moments of thy ecstasy!
    Oft times you wonder where this search will lead you to! 
And oft times you hear His flute in the fancy land of your Divine Imagination
as it captures you in an endless joy, resounding, echoing through the vast hall 
of limitless space in an eternity of time ~ from deep within your being.
    That being which is so very much my own, once lost to my sight since ages,
concealed awhile, yet seems to me revealed in the sunshine of my Divine Friend's
sweetest smile!
     As I breathe in the fragrant air of Brij, this land of Sri Vrindavan ~ makes me
remember His meeting. These eyes silently spy across the fields to yonder 
Nandagaon, Barsana, Govardhan, and once again I am lost in the reverie of feeling melancholy as I contemplate the ages old longing of each human heart! 
 ~ Just now the sun was sinking and the last hue of it's golden splendour still lingers on in my closed eyes.
    And the moving wheels roll on and on into the night ~
 Radha Aradhika  Radha Aradhika  
   Radha Aradhika  Radha Aradhika

Dear Soul,
  While in the train nearing Mathura I am having the inspiration to write to Radha.
This is a copy ~ for you too are the very Heart of Radha.
     Bless your heart.

                 OM  RADHEY  RADHEY

With my love and humble pranams to dear Santji, Ajitji, and devotees.

(Mathura 29.10.1971}